11 Things Google Analytics Can Teach You About Your Email Marketing

Google Analytics Insights for Email Marketing

Is your email marketing broken?

Ever wonder if all those emails you send out are working?

I mean sure your email marketing service provider might be able to tell you if people opened your email, or even clicked, but ever wonder what those people are doing once they get to your site?

The DMA puts email marketing’s ROI for 2011 at $40.56 for every $1 and you might have heard that email marketing is alive and well, but what’s it doing for YOU?

Google Analytics can tell you.

This past week I’ve been in the middle of creating my upcoming something new….

and it has me thinking about all the different insights Google Analytics can share with you about your business.

What exactly can Google Analytics know about your email marketing program?

Quite a bit.

  1. How many people are signing up for your list?
  2. What pages are best at converting visitors into subscribers?
  3. What pages are terrible at converting visitors into subscribers?
  4. Where are your subscribers coming from?
  5. How many of them are first-visit subscribers?
  6. What social media site sends me more subscribers?
  7. What emails are sending people to your site for the longest?
  8. What emails are resulting in downloads?
  9. What emails are resulting in sales?
  10. Are my subscribers visiting from a mobile device?
  11. Where in the world are my subscribers?

And more.

First, make sure you have it installed.

Then check with your email marketing service provider to see if they auto-integrate with Analytics so your traffic is tagged as “email marketing” – if not, you might have to use this tool each time you want to send an email.

What about you?

Have you use Google Analytics to glean any insights about your email marketing program? Ever make any adjustments because of it? Is there anything else you’d like to know about your email marketing traffic? Did you find this useful? Let me know in the comments!

photo credit: CarbonNYC via photopin cc

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